Our Archdiocesan Criminal Justice Ministry is partnering with King County Juvenile Court to pilot
Restorative Justice Peacemaking Circles as an alternative and community-based way to resolve felony cases. This reduces incarceration, fosters healing for both victims and offenders, and affords a profound opportunity for transformation. This is the Gospel in action and it’s unfolding right here in our own backyard.
Click here for the flyer for our SECOND case’s final sentencing on
Friday, July 7th at
4:00 PM. This is the final hearing when the circle returns the case to court, asking the judge to accept the community’s resolution of the matter.
Our goal is to have 300+ people in the King County Juvenile Court lobby that day. We need hundreds of people to show up and make visible the community’s desire for system change. Please promote this flyer widely and invite everyone you can!
Thanks everyone! Please help us spread the word and let’s build the Kingdom of God!
Joe Cotton Director of Pastoral Care & Outreach
Tel: (206) 382-4847 | Cell: (206) 472-4270