Dearly beloved Choir of Hope singing ministers:
It is mighty fine to be back with you. Last night we made real strides as a choral ensemble--united in unison, preaching peace, being “One Body.”
This Sunday the texts we hear are radiant with light, luminous with light, illumined with light:
“I am the light of the world” (Gospel Acclamation)
“YOU are the light of the world” (Gospel Reading)
“Your light must shine” (Gospel Reading)
“The just one is a light in darkness” (Psalm)
“Light shines through the darkness for the upright” (Psalm)
“He will bring you His light and His Peace” (Presentation Hymn)
“If I fly to the sunrise you are there” (Communion Procession Hymn)
And all these texts are introduced by that glorious and poetic sunrise heard in the first reading:
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
And your wound shall quickly be healed.
As the congregation begins to process to Communion, we will sing Berthier’s setting of Psalm 27, The Lord is my light. In God I trust.
The Introit we sing this week is the setting of Psalm 121 with the antiphon
Give peace, O Lord, in all our days
May all who love you dwell secure.
A calm and serene prayer for this week of confusion, hurt and insecurity. As the Psalmist in Psalm 122 prayed 3000 years ago in a Middle East troubled with confusion, hurt and insecurity:
Peace be within your walls
And security within your towers.
Peace be with you this week.
Your admiring co-worker,
Ordo for February 5, 7:00
Choir of Hope, Men’s Schola Cantorum
Introit Give peace, O Lord in all our days with Psalm 122 Graduale Simplex, ed Paul Ford Choir of Hope & Men’s Schola Cantorum
Entrance All people that on earth do dwell Psalm 100 Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510-1561 [UIC 478]
Gloria Mass of creation
Psalm (R & A) Refrain intonation Choir of Hope, Men’s Schola Cantorum, Psalmist Thomas
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia 7, Berthier Men’s Schola Cantorum
Preparation of the Altar and Gifts I have loved you Jeremiah 31:3/Psalm 24:3 Fr. Joncas [St. Augustine Hymnal 518] To be followed IF NEEDED by The light of Christ John 1:1-9, 3:16 [St. Augustine Hymnal 538]
Sanctus Mass of Creation
Memorial Acclamation Mass of Creation,
Amen Mass of Creation
Agnus Dei Mass of Creation Intonation Choir of Hope
Communio The Lord is my light Psalm Psalm 27 Berthier for the Community of Taize. Distributed 2/1 Soloist Mary
Communion Procession You are near Psalm 139 [UIC 716]