It’s been a long time since last I blogged and there is so much outreach news to share!
A Faithful Response to Homelessness
On September 18 we co-hosted A Faithful Response to Homelessness with staff from Seattle University’s School of Theology and Ministry. About 40 parishioners turned out to participated in facilitated small group dialogues, as well as keynote presentations by George Scarola, Director of Homelessness for the City of Seattle, and witness speakers from the Real Change Speakers Bureau. It was a wonderful day of sharing, planning and learning. We also enjoyed a delicious lunch along with many of the Josephinum residents. Next steps – take all the information from the small group dialogues and develop a draft plan for our congregation’s response to the homelessness crisis in Seattle. Stay tuned for our next gathering where will review and finalize the draft.
Faithful Citizenship Series
This 5-part series continues next week with a presentation on Life Issues by Camille Pauley. We have already had 3 gatherings on preparing your conscience for voting discernment, homelessness, and immigration. We have been blessed with great speakers and good conversation. Please join us for the final two gatherings Thursday, October 6 and October 13 in the parish hall at St. James Cathedral.
Standing in the Gap – Fundraising Breakfast for Recovery Café
COH hosted a table in support of our wonderful partners at Recovery Café. We are so grateful for our relationship with them and for their much needed ministry in downtown Seattle. They had a very successful event with individual, faith community and corporate sponsors. Some of their members provided very moving testimony of the role the Café has played and continues to play in their life. Here is a link to a youtube video about the Café previous video for information about volunteering, please contact me at [email protected] and I can put you in touch with their volunteer coordinator.
Good News People
We continue to accept sign-ups for Good News People. The plenary session for all participants and small group leaders will be held on October 9 immediately following the 9:30 AM Mass. Facilitators will be in the lobby following all Masses this weekend to answer questions and do sign ups.
Stewardship of Talent
This weekend we kick-off yearly stewardship of talent. We ask parishioners to prayerful consider how they can use their gifts and talents in service to the church – and at COH, we have many opportunities within outreach and advocacy to do so either with us or one of our valued partner agencies. Please stop by the outreach table and one of our committee members would be very happy to talk with you more!
Hero of the Homeless
Another of our partner agencies, Operation Nightwatch, is having their yearly fundraising lunch on October 11 at the Fisher Pavilion. COH is hosting a table. Please contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in joining with other parishioners at our table.
Frances Farrell
Outreach and Advocacy Coordinator