The Outreach Committee, led by Crystal Amobi started the year with a productive meeting on January 8th to review 2016 activities and started planning the 2017 Outreach Projects.
To wrap up 2016, the committee sponsored several events such as The Evening of Gratitude, Homelessness Project, Tent City Dinner, Thanksgiving Dinner at the Josephinum, Good News People, CRS Fair Trade Sale, Nuestros Pequenos Fundraising, Friday at the Jo’s and Continued Hospitality after all masses.
2017 will going to be another busy year for the committee.
In January and February, the Outreach Committee started a campaign for supplies for the Women’s Wellness Center below the Josephinum. This collection is ongoing until Lent.
The committee dropped off more than 250 gift bags of socks, hand and feet warmers and other goodies to the St Martin de Porres Men’s shelter.
The CRS Ambassadors have been busy planning for the Lenten Soup Suppers which will start on the first Sunday on Lent. The Soup Suppers will be every Sunday after the 7 pm mass until the Sunday before Palm Sunday. The CRS Soup Suppers will include CRS Rice Bowl awareness activities and community sharing.
The committee will continue to work on Advocacy, Homelessness Projects, Good News People and other Outreach Activities.
On January 29th, Deacon Pierce gave a heartfelt homily to remind us the true meaning of the Beatitudes. This message was and will continue to be the mission and vision of what outreach tries to deliver to all and not just for our faith community
More to come...
Everyone is welcome to join this great cause.
God Bless!
The Outreach Committee